Sunday, September 10, 2017

MMM Doublet Finished!

Back in December, my husband and I started on a new doublet. It had been a few years, and I now had a copy of the The Modern Maker by Mathew Gnagy. We decided to try his method (here after referred to as MMM - The Modern Maker Method). We started with a simple muslin mock, then moved on to the full garment.  In the process, there were holidays, job changes, a surgery with lengthy recovery, plus life with two kids.

It took 9 months and 100+ hours, but it's done.  The last buttons were sewn on yesterday.  It was a really interesting process, and I think we both learned a lot.  I've done a fair amount of hand sewing before, but it might just be our first entirely hand sewn garment.  I recommend the MMM, but I'm thinking that until life slows down a bit for us, I would machine sew the straight seams to save a little time.

You can check out some pictures of the process.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Migrating from the Dark Ages....

After nearly 15 years, the web server I had been using to host historical research and projects died one too many times. I'm now in the process of migrating content over here. Thank goodness for local back-ups!

I've only done minor updates to the pages since... well, kids.  So, as time permits, I'll be attempting to update things a little.  So much has changed.  New sources are available and new research has been published.  I've been vicariously following the changes through friends I follow, but hope to start participating a bit more in the coming years.

My content and I are attempting to move out of the dark ages and back to the 16th century.  Wish me luck.

My Buttons

 After teaching at the recent Jamestown Clothing Conference, someone asked me for pictures of my buttons.  I've posted about the researc...